Friday, November 02, 2007

Overheard at the Humane Society

I do a little data entry for the Humane Society for Southwest Washington every Wednesday. My actual entry of data is slowed, but my entertainment level is highly raised, by the fact that my little desk sits just off to the side of the animal intake desk, where found or unwanted animals are brought in.

Sometimes I type with a tiny puppy in the pocket of my stylish purple volunteer apron. Sometimes I share the space with wild geese, while we both wonder what they are doing there.

This is a snippet of conversation that I had to write down so as not to forget and deprive the world (or my four readers) of:

Elderly Lady, bringing in a cat that she obviously loves but can't keep: "...and I have papers that say she's been spayed."

Clerk: "Oh, good, because otherwise we would have to guess."

Elderly Lady: "What do you mean you would have to gas her?"

Clerk: "No, GUESS. We would have had to GUESS."
I love Wednesdays.

1 comment:

h said...

I flew in on that "next blog" button up there (yeah, it works, for non-spam blogs, who knew).

After reading this post, I've had to wipe coffee from my monitor screen, and after reading the "distracting tactics", I've been walking around the house doing bad Gary Oldman accents.

The cat and the dog are both slightly perturbed (nothing new, really).