Thursday, April 30, 2009

Vacation Captain's Log: Holy Crap That's Joe Biden Edition

Smithsonian Natural History Museum: Forget Swine Flu. There's apparently a child pandemic in this country, and all of the cases were bused to the Natural History Museum today. Lots to see, but must be seen through a visible haze of noise.

Jenny: Egyptian Mao! A real kitty-cat mummy from Egypt!

Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian: yes, you may have crispy frog legs here.

Smithsonian Portrait Gallery: Feet hurt, but exhibits are Nationally Awesome. Look! It's Lincoln!

Dean: The Shepard Fairey is way more impressive in person. Maybe four feet by six feet, and very three-dimensional, with lots of use of found colors using collage papers.

And then The Old Ebbitts Grill for dinner: Good food and ZOMG BIDEN! Joe Biden ten yards away at the back bar! Surrounded by toadies! Whoa. This is really DC.


D.B. Echo said...

Very cool! But weren't you just in Colorado? What do you have, access to some sort of magical transportation device?

piglet said...

Just yer basic swine-flu-filled airplane. Woops, gotta go wash my hands again.