Bonus Question:
If money were no object, where would you rather live?
- Lombard Street in San Francisco
- Modest house in Maui
- Sheep farm in New Zealand
- Above your own pub in Cuteshire, Scotland
I don't know. That's why I'm asking you.
Welcome to the Thousand Anxiety Wood. Harshing Mellows since 2004. Current Anxiety Level: Orange (yam colored)
I don't know. That's why I'm asking you.
Sheep farm in New Zealand hands down! Too many bums in San Fran, too many tourist in Maui, and too many drunks in a pub. Baby sheep are about the cutest things on the planet, I have no complaints about them.
1. By the beach? Yes. On the beach? That might present a problem with sheep taking up surfing and losing their footing on the boards. I would end up with an ocean full of bobbing woolies.
2. Would you have to do any of the work? Not if I want anything done in a timely manner. I'll likely hire out the shearing to some young local kiwi who bears an uncanny resemblance to Carry Elwes in Princess Bride.
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